Monkey Business

From pain rises fear

Monkey Business
Photo by Juan Rumimpunu / Unsplash

Mirrors cannot lie
Now, now don't you howl
Have the wisdom of the owl
He sees more — that is how

– Sadhguru

From pain rises fear
From fear, an incompleteness
And from that a desire

A desire for territory
Territory of partners
Of property
Of authority
And control

A desire to build walls
In which all is secure

You come again and again
In different levels and forms

The game goes on and on
I can play for as long as I want

To be the superior monkey
And build the highest walls

But there's always a better monkey hiding
How can there be not?
For the limited will always expand

Let the better monkey be a reminder
A reminder of the ancestors within

How long shall we play this game?
We've come as a human being today.

O' Ancestors
Don't you think it's time
To end all the monkey business?