Murky Waters

Murky Waters

When all the tricks fall
The First Yogi's Fire shall
Burn the ignorant pall
To light the future's citadel

– Sadhguru

O fish

Why do you swim in these murky lotus waters?
It must be difficult to see, let alone prey and feast

Why live such a life?
Endlessly you swim through the night
Looking for food, and survive

Why persevere for such a life?
Immense life force you must have to face darkness everyday and still live

Why fight for such an existence?
From birth till perish you only saw darkness of the murk
To be forgotten and ignored under the roots of the majestic lotus?

Oh I see my blunder now
It's not you o fish with immense life force
But the murky waters

So much life force they have to spill
They take shape as fish, and they form roots as lotus
They dance and play drama of life
Only to be dissolved again unto themselves

O murky waters
So much life force you have to spill

O murky waters
Look here you come as a human, and write about yourself
Murky waters