Seeking Stillness
“Even when at Home
I longed for home
Searing pain of longing for Home
strangely got cured in being Homeless
when the walls of Home dissolved
A Pristine Home unwalled and
unfettered, devoid of love
affection or companions blossomed
Shall I call My Being.”
Beyond always and never.
Immensely intense, yet ever so subtle.
Universally present, but seldom discovered.
Above ineffable, still these words endeavour.
They wonder.
If it’s that quiet between two thoughts?
If it’s the space between two breaths?
Or the moment of motionless nought,
When the body unmoving, and mind blank.
Past meanings, still these words endeavour.
They ponder.
At the gentle celebration in a flower’s bloom.
At the stirring splendour of the sun’s rise.
At the endless expanse of the vast sky.
In the intense inhalation of trees in the wild.
And in the shy changes of the ocean’s tide.
Beyond bounds, still these words endeavour.
They strive for the endless endlessly.
Venture in the known, for the unknown key.
These lofty explorers in an unsung sea.
O’ Shambho, how they become but never see.
This being just has to be, be and be.