Swimming in Self
Life. This bubble of dreams.
"The sun begins its journey every day towards this water to drown in it. Only to rise again. And again and again."
This bubble of dreams.
This mist of moments.
This ocean of stories.
These beings like flakes of snow.
It’s so much more than this though.
While you swim to that horizon
In search of a meaning.
In search of the one.
In search of yourself.
In a crimson shimmer on these bewitching waters.
Didn’t you forget what’s outside those quarters?
Why are you living on the surface?
In these highs and lows of emotion.
In these peaks and valleys of adventure.
In these crests and troughs of waves,
Deceiving you in the crests, and fooling again on the troughs
Maybe that next surf is it, you scoff.
But if you dive into the waters, the consciousness.
Will you find hidden treasures.
Will you know the true scale of life.
Will you see from afar what those surface aberrations really are.
Will you find within who you really are.
Will you find the unfounded.