Why Guru?
You’ve walked the pathless path
“Yet to know, burning bright,
it is me that burns through the night
waiting for a moth of meager flight
to make him bright and light”
You’ve walked the pathless path.
You’ve seen the unseeable scene.
You’ve heard the unhearable sound.
You’ve become the ultimate.
You are the ultimate.
You are in all,
and all are in you
Or just you.
You’ve chosen to show this path?
You’ve decided to enlighten?
But whom? When you are all.
Then why? Oh Guru!
You know what cannot be known.
You speak what cannot be spoken.
You teach what cannot be taught.
You’ve become the most beautiful.
You are the most beautiful.
You are what is,
What can and cannot be.
You’re blossoming the rest?
You’re adorating what’s left?
But what’s that? When you are all.
Then why? Oh Guru!
You’ve paved this exciting voyage.
You’ve charmed this elaborate circus.
You’ve taken me on this exhilarating journey.
You’ve reached the end.
You are the end.
You are also the beginning,
and the middle too
You’re guiding the way?
You’re charting the unchartered pave?
But from where? When you are all.
Then why? Oh Guru!
Why are you Guru?
Isn’t all just you?
What is a Guru?
Isn’t darkness also you too?
Why have you happened?
Why all this effort?
Is it simply because a seeker has happened?